SemEval 2025 task 10 "Multilingual Characterization and Extraction of Narratives from Online News"

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Participation
Abbreviated Title: 
SemEval 2025: Multilingual News Narrative Analysis Task
Ion Androutsopoulos
Submission Deadline: 
Friday, 31 January 2025

First call for participation in the SemEval 2025 shared task: Multilingual Characterization and Extraction of Narratives from Online News.

This task challenges participants to analyze news articles and automatically identify narratives, classify them, and determine the roles played by relevant entities. The task is multilingual, covering five languages: Bulgarian, English, Hindi, Portuguese, and Russian.

Participants can choose to participate in one or more of the following subtasks:
• Subtask 1: Entity Framing – Classify the roles of named entities within news articles.
• Subtask 2: Narrative Classification – Classify each article based on all the (sub)narratives given a specific domain.
• Subtask 3: Narrative Extraction – Generate short textual explanations for dominant narratives in the articles.

The task covers news articles from two domains, namely, Ukraine-Russia War and Climate Change.
Important Dates:
• 31 January 2025: Test submission deadline
• 28 February 2025: System paper submission deadline
• 31 March 2025: Notification to authors
• 21 April 2025: Camera-ready papers due
• Summer 2025: SemEval workshop

For more details, visit or contact us at semeval2025narratives-task-participants [at]
We look forward to your participation and to advancing the state of multilingual news narrative analysis together!