Dear ACL members,
We are delighted to announce that the ACL Nominating Committee has selected five ACL fellows for 2023:
- Mona Diab
- Carnegie Mellon University
- For contributions to Arabic language NLP, to lexical semantics, and for democratizing NLP to wider and less privileged communities.
- Barbara di Eugenio
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- For outstanding contributions to natural language generation; intelligent tutoring
systems; discourse; intercoder agreement; and applying multimodal interactive
systems to health.
- Anna Korhonen
- University of Cambridge
- For significant contributions to lexical acquisition, multilingual and low resource NLP, socially beneficial language applications, and services to the ACL community
- Roberto Navigli
- Sapienza University of Rome
- For significant contributions to multilingual lexical-semantic resources and a unifying vision for multilingual lexical and sentence-level semantics.
- Ming Zhou
- Langboat Ltd.
- For significant contributions to machine translation, language learning, text generation as well as the growth of NLP community in China and Asia
Shiqi Zhao, ACL Secretary